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12 Healthy Plants That Can Grow at Home


12 Healthy Plants That Can Grow at Home

Herbs are natural remedies and aromas that can add aromatic flavors to your dishes, treat them and cure many diseases. Growing plants at home is a money-saving and life-saving hobby, which is a lot of fun. Herbs are loaded with many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that actually support healthy living.

You can use them immediately without fear of pesticides and lost nutrients when you grow these small plants and plants in your home, where 30% of the nutrients are wasted during the collection of plants by these experts.

To grow plants at home, you will need several equipment and plant permits or seeds. Proper care and care is necessary because plants are like babies; they need care to improve with better ‘health’.

Healthy Plant, home grown plants, how to grow at home, the benefits of home plants, which plants grow at home

Here are some easy and best herbs grown at home:

1. Sage:

Sage is rich in antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-biotic properties, and sage’s powerful anti-aging properties help you fight pre-matured aging, wrinkles and acne, so it is used in 80% of beauty products. Sage is another best and most important issue, it is a natural solution that helps anxiety and stress problems by loosening the brain muscles and also helps feeling fatigue and weakness. Moreover, it is a natural memory enhancer.

Growth Tip: Sage is a plant that requires good care, regular watering, good and fertile soils and sufficient sunlight and regular cleaning.

2. Rosemary:

Rosemary is loaded with an antioxidant compound called carnosic acid, which is known to destroy cancer cells in the body. A strange but fact about Rosemary, a study by the University of Northumbria, discovered that the aroma of rosemary can increase memory.

Rosemary was placed in some people’s room, and a month later, she was examined for her behavior that her memory was better than before. It has a wonderful scent and can add a delicious scent to any dish.

Growth Tip: Rosemary is also a small plant and can be grown indoors, but it needs to be watered frequently and continues to touch the plant as well as sunlight and creates a wonderful smell throughout the house.

3. Lavender:

Lavender is a very beautiful plant with health benefits. It is filled with polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant that relieves belly bloating, and has a wonderfully relaxing scent that will help you relax your mind and fall asleep quickly.

Growth Tip: Lavender is a large plant that grows outdoors that can receive direct sunlight for 8-10 hours. It also needs well-drained soil, so if you prefer to grow inside your home, make sure you have holes in the bottom of the container for better water drainage.

4. Basil leaf:

These nerve calming leaves have a detoxifying effect on the liver and are also filled with many antioxidants. These small leaves can go a long way to add flavor to your flavors and add flavor to your dishes. Basil is full of powerful anti-inflammatory properties that heal skin blemishes and itch and leave your skin smooth and fresh.

Growth Tip: This is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors or outdoors, as it does not require frequent watering or maintenance. For better performance, you should water the plant daily.

Healthy Plant, home grown plants, how to grow at home, the benefits of home plants, which plants grow at home

5. Parsley:

Don’t be fooled by their small size and keep them away from your plate, because these small leaves are full of nutrients such as vitamin A, and only teaspoons of parsley can meet your daily vitamin K requirement. It is healthy for healthy blood circulation and purification.

Growth Tip: Parsley does not need much maintenance and frequent watering or sunlight, yet it is easy to grow indoors and outdoors. Make sure that the soil in the flowerpot is not too dry or too wet. Parsley takes time to grow but is worth the wait.

6. Thyme:

Thyme is rich in antiseptic and antibiotic properties and has been used for decades to treat many respiratory problems such as bronchitis. Thyme has a special ingredient called thymol in Listerine, and the best thing about thyme is that it is completely calorie-free and adds a delicious flavor to your salads, soups and chicken pickles.

Growth Tip: Thyme is a small plant and can be grown in a small pot inside your house. Just make sure you have enough sunlight to grow.

7. Coriander:

This is one of the best and most widely used plants with a large number of foods in Asian and Mexican cuisine. Coriander leaves, iron and contains enough fiber to help you get rid of useless metals in the body. The special thing about these small leaves is that they attach themselves to zinc, mercury and other heavy and toxin metals in the body and remove them from the body and detoxify the liver.

Growth Tip: Coriander but it is one of the plants can be grown in forcing you to grow indoors. There are deep roots of cilantro plants need to thrive in the fertile soil so. However, if you are successful in growing seeds from plants, your efforts will not be wasted, because these seeds are called coriander, which has been used as a very important and useful culinary spice for decades.

8. Chives:

Chives belong to the onion family. Although it has a great taste, chives are good for strengthening the immune system and reducing the risks of various types of cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and stomach cancer. The reason for this belongs to the allium vegetables, allium and is associated with reducing the risk of cancer.

Growth Tip: This is one of the most suitable plants that can be grown indoors need much sunlight hearing. Although they are 8 inches tall, they do not take up more space to thrive.

9. Dill:

This plant is only associated with pickles, but should not remain until pickles, as they are rich in antioxidants and are used to treat hiccups. You can add a few dill leaves in boiling water and drink this tea slowly and make your hiccups heal.

Growth Tip: Dill, deep but not very busy grows in soil and requires full sunlight to grow fast. It is therefore best to grow outdoors, but it can also be grown indoors in large containers. However, if you grow them outside, you will need to water the plant once a week, but if you plan to grow dill in your house, then you need to pay more attention to the plant.

10. Mint:

Mint is the best source of vitamin A and antioxidants for better digestion, nausea, asthma, breathing problems and headaches and heals acne. In a recent study, peppermint shows positive effects on weight loss, exercise performance, blood regulation and overall respiratory performance. Mint meets the need for 2 tablespoons vitamin A in daily use.

Growth Tip: Mint grows quickly and quickly and needs more space, because it has the authority to wash everything that comes in its way, so it grows better outdoors in a grown area.

11. Lemon Balm:

The lemon mint belongs to the family and the citrus scent is delicious. It has been used for years to relieve tension in muscles and nerves. The anti-inflammatory properties of lemon balm are useful to heal wounds caused by cold sores. It is also used to treat gas, swollen stomach and cramps due to its rich digestive properties. Lemongrass tea quickly heals anxiety and stress and adds a wonderful citrus aroma to various dishes.

Growth Tip: Growing indoors is an easy plant, but make sure the plant is in full sunlight and protected from extreme cold temperatures.

12. Tarragon:

This is a great source of vitamin A and C, minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium, and many antioxidants that treat feelings of anxiety, bad breath caused by microbes, and are also useful in weight loss because it suppresses hunger pains and appetite. . Tarragon has anti-bacterial properties that can kill body odor if the oil is applied to the body. Chewing fresh or dried tarragon can improve mouth pain.

It is also used in cooking with its unique taste and wonderful aroma.

Cultivation Tip: Tarragon can be cured indoors and needs moist soil to grow and to be slightly irrigated. Make sure you do not grow tarragon at extremely cold temperatures because it shows very low resistance to cold.

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